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Lofts & Apartments in Nyc 2 - International Architecture & Interiors Series

Lofts & Apartments in Nyc 2 - International Architecture & Interiors Series

Grupo Livros

AutorM. Vercelloni, P. Warchol, S. San Pietro, M. Vercelloni, P. Warchol, S. San Pietro
ISBN9788876851544, 9788876851544
TítuloLofts & Apartments in Nyc 2 - International Architecture & Interiors Series, Lofts & Apartments in Nyc 2 - International Architecture & Interiors Series
EditoraAntique Collector Club, Antique Collector Club
Ano de Edição2010, 2010
IdiomaInglês, Italiano
Número de Páginas200, 200
País de OrigemReino unido, Reino unido
AcabamentoEncadernado, Encadernado
Altura30,5, 30,5
Largura24, 24
Profundidade1,8, 1,8
Peso400, 400
OrigemReino Unido, Reino Unido
Serie/Coleçãovazio, vazio
Volumevazio, vazio
SinopseTwenty-one projects for new domestic spaces, realised from the end of the 1990s to the present day in New York and other major American cities. Examined side-by-side, they provide a composite overview of the new ways of perceiving and living in the domestic environment, ways that involve the function and distribution issues but also the architectural, material, and atmospheric properties of the place. The classic loft type is accompanied by new exclusive apartments and penthouses that offer an entirely new gamut of concepts in home and living design for the new millennium., Twenty-one projects for new domestic spaces, realised from the end of the 1990s to the present day in New York and other major American cities. Examined side-by-side, they provide a composite overview of the new ways of perceiving and living in the domestic environment, ways that involve the function and distribution issues but also the architectural, material, and atmospheric properties of the place. The classic loft type is accompanied by new exclusive apartments and penthouses that offer an entirely new gamut of concepts in home and living design for the new millennium.
Edição1, 1
LivroDigitalvazio, vazio
PrevendaVazio, Vazio

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