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Life in Oak-Framed Buildings - Garden Rooms, Pool Houses, Carports, Guesthouses

Life in Oak-Framed Buildings - Garden Rooms, Pool Houses, Carports, Guesthouses

Grupo Livros

AutorIvo Pauwels, Ivo Pauwels
ISBN9789020974799, 9789020974799
TítuloLife in Oak-Framed Buildings - Garden Rooms, Pool Houses, Carports, Guesthouses, Life in Oak-Framed Buildings - Garden Rooms, Pool Houses, Carports, Guesthouses
EditoraAntique Collector Club, Antique Collector Club
Ano de Edição2010, 2010
IdiomaHolandês, Alemão
Número de Páginas192, 192
País de OrigemReino unido, Reino unido
AcabamentoEncadernado, Encadernado
Altura30, 30
Largura30, 30
Profundidade1,72, 1,72
Peso390, 390
OrigemReino Unido, Reino Unido
Serie/Coleçãovazio, vazio
Volumevazio, vazio
SinopseBeautiful, eye-catching photography by Jan Verlinde links the past with the present in this stunning book. The noblest of building traditions are bonded with a modern way of living, working and relaxing. Lifestyle author Ivo Pauwels, in his familiar, fascinating style, takes the reader back to the past. He brings the memories of the centuries-old building techniques and the forgotten knowledge of the materials used in roof trusses, tiles and thatched roofs., Beautiful, eye-catching photography by Jan Verlinde links the past with the present in this stunning book. The noblest of building traditions are bonded with a modern way of living, working and relaxing. Lifestyle author Ivo Pauwels, in his familiar, fascinating style, takes the reader back to the past. He brings the memories of the centuries-old building techniques and the forgotten knowledge of the materials used in roof trusses, tiles and thatched roofs.
Edição1, 1
LivroDigitalvazio, vazio
PrevendaVazio, Vazio

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